Sign Up For Free Practice ACT Tests
Academic Tutoring & Testing offers all students the chance to take free practice ACT exam. Even as many colleges make testing optional,...

Top Ten Tips For the February 25th ACT
To all hard working ACT students out there, we know that, for you, summer vacation and the ACT go together like Vikings and Packers fans....

Add the "comma-comma" rule to your ACT/SAT English skill set!
To all you ACT/SAT 'test-preppers', you have a little time before December's test, if that is your next scheduled attempt. When you have,...

Mastering The ACT Reading Section
This past Saturday thousands of Minnesotan students took the September ACT. Good luck on your results! Another ACT is barely more than a...

Easy Test-Taking Tips: Succeed with the Math Section of the ACT!
The Math Section of the ACT is unique among the "big four" sections of the exam: English, MATH, Reading and Science. How so? First, it is...

Top Ten Tips For The July 13th ACT Test Day
To all hard working ACT students out there, we know that, for you, summer vacation and the ACT go together like Vikings and Packers fans....

A Parent's Guide to ACT Test Day
Hi guys, as you know, your kids have been working hard the past few weeks to get ready for their ACT exam in June and July. The ACT can...

ACT Tip of the Week: Guessing Strategies
Have you ever heard the expression, "Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good?" Unfortunately, luck has very little to do with how...

ACT Development Program
It feels like every year, students (and/or their parents) are motivated to start preparing for standardized testing earlier. Although it...

26 Need to Know Math Concepts for the ACT
The ACT math section isn't so much hard as it is tricky. Unlike school where you spend a few weeks working on a unit and then take a...